Global Shipment RatesDestinationFirst KG(PKR)Additional KG1 United States 3900 1600
2 United Kingdom 3900 900
3 Canada 3900 1600
4 Australia 4900 1700
5 United Arab Emirates 1900 400
6 Qatar 6200 1300
7 Oman 2000 600
8 Kuwait 4900 1700
9 Saudi Arabia 6200 1300
10 Bahrain 2000 600
11 Sri Lanka 3700 700
12 Norway 3700 800
13 Malaysia 3000 600
14 Netherlands 2300 600
15 Germany 3700 800
16 Ireland 3700 800
17 France 2900 700
18 Indonesia 6200 1000
19 Austria 4300 800
20 Mauritius 7200 1900
21 China 3300 900
22 Japan 4900 1000
23 Maldives 3900 700
24 Singapore 2700 500
25 Hong Kong 4800 1300Disclaimer
Shipment Transit time is 5 to 7 working days.
Custom Clearance, if any, will be borne by the customer.